Menopause is a natural transition that most women experience between the ages of 45-55 as their menstrual cycles come to an end marking the end of fertility. As a woman reaches menopause, her body produces lower levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone - which causes periods to become less frequent and eventually stop.
The lead up to menopause is called perimenopause, which can last up to 10 years as hormone levels fluctuate unpredictably. Common symptoms women may experience during perimenopause and menopause include:
The duration and severity of symptoms varies significantly among women. While menopause marks the end of fertility, women can still live healthy, active lives. However, the changes in hormone levels do increase risks for certain medical conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease.
Pro tip: Consult your doctor about supplements, alternative therapies, and lifestyle changes to help ease challenging menopause symptoms. The professionals at Hormone Optimal Care also provide comprehensive menopause treatment plans tailored to your needs.
There are a variety of possible treatment options to help mitigate bothersome menopause symptoms including:
The goal of treatment during menopause is to help optimize women's health, quality of life and prevent future complications. By better understanding menopause and proactively addressing symptoms, most women can feel their best at midlife and beyond.
Check out the latest menopause research and cutting edge treatment options available from the exceptional team at Hormone Optimal Care. Their individualized programs help women seamlessly transition into menopause.